Financial empowerment for women

The sassy cfo

Giving you the tools, knowledge, and confidence you need to manage your finances like a CFO

As women, we are told so many lies about money. And I believed so many of them for a long time…

Your husband should control your finances
Men are just better at money
You’re not good at budgeting
Investing is a man’s job
You should focus on cutting out splurges and saving your money
Moms should be ashamed to buy luxury items for themselves
Live frugally now so you can enjoy retirement later

… I could keep going, but I’m getting fired up just typing these!

My mission is to send out a wake up call to all the women out there doing the hard work of reaching big goals, raising kiddos, and running on coffee. You can take control of your finances. You can create wealth. And you can pursue your dreams. And you don’t have to do it alone.

You Can Control Your Money

Client love


Kelly knows her shit! I loved connecting with Kelly and learning to build my future wealth. Her approach and knowledge motivated me to take back control of my future. I feel powerful, motivated, and excited about my finances. I never thought that was possible. Thank you Kelly for giving me the power to grow my future.

The Sassy CFO Blog

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If you have a hard time talking about money or find finances confusing – you are not alone! Even though I have a business degree and work in finance, I let my husband manage our money for more years than I care to admit because I didn’t have the confidence to do it myself (seriously). Our culture teaches us that we have no business investing, budgeting, or managing money.

The Sassy CFO Blog exists to help you overcome those limiting beliefs (aka lies) and learn how to feel confident and comfortable talking all things money, investing, saving, and building wealth.

No boring, technical diatribes. Just clear, direct advice and knowledge to empower you to manage your $$ like a CFO!

Manifesting Is Not a Retirement Plan

let's start learning

You need the knowledge, skills, and advice to make smart money choices and feel in control of your finances!

Hi, I’m Kelly! Mom to three wild and wonderful kids, wife to one stubborn and awesome husband, full-time CFO, and champion of women’s financial empowerment.

And I know what you’re thinking, “Of course you’re good at finances! You’re a CFO.” But let me set the record straight.

Yes, I have a degree in business. Yes, I work as a professional finance executive. But understanding corporate finances and managing personal finances are two very different things.

I let my husband manage our personal finances for years because I thought I was supposed to and I didn’t believe I had the skills or knowledge to manage them myself. I didn’t invest our money. I didn’t have a plan for building wealth, and I had constant guilt, stress, and shame around spending money.

I talked about money at work, but at home, I ignored it. Until I had a few personal experiences that changed everything… and now I want to share everything I’ve learned with other women who are exactly where I was. I’m so glad you’re here and I can’t wait to watch you step into your own financial power!

let's hang

Meet Your Financial Consultant 

You Want to Be the Boss
of Your Money

take back your power

I’m gonna help you get there!