Manifestation is not a retirement plan. Don’t get me wrong, I can be as “woo-woo” as the next basic bitch channeling new age Nancy, but leaving money management to chance (or your spouse, parents, the money gods, whatever) is a recipe for frustration, defeat and disaster.
Listen, I get it. I have spent more on personal development in the form of new-age spiritual and manifestation hype (think Tony Robinson, Amanda Frances, and Gabby Bernstein) than I have put in an investment account during the same period. Why? Because I craved the empowered feeling that I am the creator of my own reality – able to bring Louis Vuitton, luxury trips, and wads of cash into materiality with the simplicity of positive thinking, some shadow work, and a kick-ass vision board. Let me be clear, I think these are excellent tools. This type of inner work can help you define your values and confront your shit. But are you avoiding the most important principle? Behind every empowerment, guru is one basic step – action.
This used to piss me right the “F” off. “What do you mean, action?” If I knew the damn action I needed to take to turn my big dreams into reality I would have done it already.
And there. There it is. The truth behind the dream. We have to make a plan, figure out what we really truly want, and actually do something about it.
The good news is, it’s really not that difficult. It may not be as glamorous or magical as we had hoped, but taking the time to get clear on your values, get honest with yourself about where you are at and where you want to go, and make a genuine and attainable plan for your life, career and money will promise far better results than playing The Secret on repeat ever could.
Money management, budgets (spending plans) and investing don’t have to be dirty words. I am not implying that you should have guilt or anxiety around spending money on the things you desire. Taking control of your finances is the true magic behind the dream. This is will put the power in your hands – allowing you to get all that fancy shit on your vision board your own damn self. You can be as good (if not better) than your spouse at this money stuff. You can build wealth and be confident about your future. If I can do it, you can do it.
And that is some truly powerful shit.