Manifesting Is Not a Retirement Plan


Wealth Management & Financial Empowerment  for Women

The following article was inspired by these patronizing quotes: “Are you latte-ing away your financial future?” Smart Women Finish Rich, David Bach “Attended a financial conference full of millionaires this week, not one Gucci belt in sight. Wealth is quiet” @betterwallet on Instagram  I mean, throw in a designer purse and you have the essentials […]

Financial Empowerment

Gucci Belts and Lattes

Bitch please, not that B Word. I’m talking Budgets. Before you roll your eyes and quit reading out of repulsion, boredom, disgust, fear, or whatever emotion that word brings up for you, hear me out.  This word used to trigger me to my core. It brought up feelings of lack, anxiety, and restriction. I would […]

Financial Empowerment

Bitch please, not that B Word. I’m talking Budgets. Before you roll your eyes and quit reading out of repulsion, boredom, disgust, fear, or whatever emotion that word brings up for you, hear me out.  This word used to trigger me to my core. It brought up feelings of lack, anxiety, and restriction. I would […]

The B Word……